Sunday, June 28, 2015

How to Drink Alkaline-Antioxidant Water

This is not medical advice. It is not intended to cure, treat or prevent any disease. Not intended to replace the advice of a physician.

For anyone who is new to drinking this powerful super antioxidant water, here is a guide. Please be sure to read this thoroughly and watch the videos so you understand why the water does what it does.

Tips on Drinking Alkaline-Antioxidant Water

1. This water is very powerful. It is only water, but it has a reduced molecular
structure, it is alkaline, and it is electrically charged. Thus, it is a potent
antioxidant, it is anti-inflammatory, and it offers superior hydration. It is best
drunk fresh from the machine.

2. The antioxidant value dissipates in about 24 hours. Therefore, try to get the
water as often as possible – at least 2-3 times per week. It is better to get it more
often – daily is best – rather than getting a large amount and making it last. If you
still have some water left when you go for a refill, dump out the old water and
drink the fresh water.

3. So that you fully understand what it is you are drinking, please watch the
video demonstration at Please also watch the
videos at You need to give your name/email for the
password but don’t worry, we hate spam and you can opt out after the 2 weeks.

4. Do NOT drink any soda pop or sports drinks during the water trial. Even a few
sips of soda will counteract any benefits from the water for several days. NO soda.
NONE. NO SODA! (The video demonstration will show you why.) Sports drinks are
the same as soda. NO Gatorade, Propel, or other sports drinks. NO carbonated

5. Plan to drink 2 pints of the water first thing in the morning. The water has a
very light texture and won't cause bloatedness or a 'sloshy' feeling. Drink the water
immediately upon arising, before any breakfast or coffee. (If you drink coffee or
tea, make it with Alkaline-Antioxidant Water. Just be sure to drink some Alkaline-
Antioxidant Water first.)

6. The water penetrates the cells better, thus flushing out toxins. Even 'healthy'
people may experience a 'detox' when they first start drinking this water.
Increased bathroom visits (of both types) are common during the first few days.
Some people may notice a bad taste in their mouth as heavy metals and other
toxins are being released and eliminated. This is a sign that the water is doing its

7. For those with health issues, suggested amount is about 1 gallon per day for
those under 150 lbs., or 1.5 gallon for those over 150 lbs. (Or, to keep it simple,
just think of your body weight in ounces.) Yes, this is a lot of water! But remember:
This water is easier to drink because it is so light. In virtually all cases, those who
don't experience some sort of benefits usually aren't drinking enough (or they are
sneaking sodas!).

8. People with kidney ailments or who have been advised to restrict their water
intake for any reason may wish to discuss their situation with their health
practitioner regarding the amount of water they may drink. (Be aware that doctors
in the US typically aren't familiar with Alkaline-Antioxidant Water and thus won't
have an opinion about it, other than the amount itself.)

9. The first bottle of water will be at a lower potency. Please provide feedback
so that I will know when to give you the 'good stuff'! It's important to allow your
body to detox over the first few days, before going to the higher level.
Exceptionally healthy people (athletes, those who do juicing, raw vegans, etc.)
may wish to accelerate this.

10. As you get to the higher pH setting, you may notice that the water looks
'white' at the bottom of the bottle. This is the healthy minerals coming out of
suspension over time. This is normal and perfectly fine to drink. (Glacier water,
when fresh from the glacier, is actually milky-white, and may explain the vibrant
health, strong bones, and longevity of the people who drink it fresh from the
glacier.) The machine is essentially bringing the health benefits of fresh glacier
water to your home. (Note: Bottled waters called 'Glacier Water' are dead and
oxidizing, because they aren't fresh.)

11. Those taking high blood pressure medications should monitor their blood
pressure frequently, and consult their health practitioner about possibly reducing
their medication if their blood pressure lowers while drinking this water. (Taking
the same dose of medication when the blood pressure is already lower could result
in it going too low.)

12. Observe any changes in health: skin, hair, nails, digestion, elimination,
weight, sleep, energy, mental clarity, emotions, pain relief or relief from any other
symptoms, immune system, etc. Please let us know how you are doing with the

13. Be aware that, as with anything, there is conflicting information on the
internet. The water we offer is from the only Japanese hospital-certified ionizer
device available. (Medical certifications and scientific research available upon

14. The water trial is unlimited Alkaline-Antioxidant Water for 2 weeks. Plan to
get enough water for yourself and your family, including pets. Choose bottles that
are BPA-free.

15. Remember: this is only water! It is simply wetter water that is easier for your
body to absorb, and therefore it does a better job of what water is supposed to do!
Superior hydration = better health.

Disclaimer: No medical claims are made. Not intended to treat or diagnose a
health condition. Not intended to take the place of medical advice