Monday, March 30, 2015

Welcome to Bay Area Kangen Water!

Thanks for stopping by our site!

We wanted this to be a place where people in the Bay Area could come to find information about Kangen Water, and find a distributor so they can try it for free.

This is a brand new site, so we are just beginning to add more locations and distributors in the bay area.

Our goal is to give all Bay Area residents the opportunity to try clean, healthy Kangen Water. We also believe it's important to educate people about some of the toxins that have been present in Bay Area drinking water. You can learn more by visiting this site.

In Japan, one in four households have a water ionizer at home, because they understand it's health benefits. Japan is #1 in Longevity, while America is #38. We want to see the Bay Area become more like Japan! Right now, most people in the Bay Area have never heard of Kangen Water, and we plan to change that.

Many people do not realize that most home delivered bottled water wastes a large amount of water (or resources) to produce just one gallon. Reverse Osmosis is what is used to treat most home-delivered bottled water (if filtration is used at all). The Environmental Working Group reports that, in order to make a gallon of purified water, 3-20 gallons of water are wasted in the process. With water resources running in short supply, toxins running rampant in our water systems, and a high rate of health issues for so many Americans, it's not a matter of if the bay area will gravitate towards water ionization... it's when. 

Additionally, large amounts of fuel are used to transport the heavy bottles of water from a processing facility to a person's home. When you purchase home delivery service, you're paying a monthly fuel surcharge for a truck to carry heavy bottles to and from your door. In the Bay Area, delivery for a family of four (consuming the recommended amount of half their body weight in ounces of water, daily, whether it be for drinking or cooking) would require transporting 625 pounds of water per trip. This equates to 8,131 pounds of water per year, or 121,965 pounds of water over a 15-year period. Transporting this water to from a popular treatment facility in Milpitas to Redwood City is approximately a 44 mile drive, round trip, which equates to 572 miles driven per year, or 8,580 miles driven over a 15-year period.

When you use an Enagic water ionizer, not only do you not have to lift, transport and store heavy 5 gallon bottles from your front door to your water cooler, but you can also save money. Drinking water from an Enagic Ionizer is not only convenient, but it can save you thousands of dollars over the course of 10 or 15 years. 

We do recommend purchasing a pre-filter to remove as many toxins from the water as possible. Every Enagic machine comes with a good standard filter, but because water quality varies from county to county, different pre-filters are recommended to remove different toxins (we can give you a great resource to test your own water inexpensively if you choose to do so). You may purchase the pre-filters from Enagic or directly through the person we recommend to test your water (he is honest, inexpensive, and we do not make a dime off his testing or filters). Because of the high levels of toxins we have seen on water reports, (Trihalomethanes, Hexavalent Chromium and more) and after learning about the risks (like increased chances for breast, bladder and liver cancer) we highly recommend a pre-filter. Please know that even with advanced filtration, your water will still cost considerably less than it would if you were paying for home delivered bottled water. 

By the year 2017, we plan to have at least one distributor in each zip code in the Bay Area, so people won't have to travel far to try Kangen Water and experience it's health benefits. Imagine the convenience of having a machine that can give you clean, purified, healthy water, right in your own kitchen! It also feels good to know that, by drinking water filtered with a Kangen machine, you are contributing to much less water waste.

Photo by Maptechnica

If you would like to try Kangen Water or become a distributor, please call 650-701-7739.

We hope you find the information on this site to be helpful. Thanks for stopping by!

Bay Area Kangen Water


  1. Hello Bay Area Kangen Water - I'm looking at your youtube video of cleaning my machine. I have done it once before without the vinegar and that looks like a good edition. The young man does it so fast that it's hard for me to follow.
    Do you have any written instructions to help? Thanks for any help you may have.

  2. Sorry I just saw this. That was someone else who did the video, but there are a lot of other videos with cleanng instructions on youtube : )
