Sunday, June 28, 2015

How to Use Kangen Water - by Dave Carpenter

Please note that Kangen water is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. No medical claims are made in this guide or on this website. Not intended to replace the guidance of a physician.

Thank you to Dave Carpenter for your wonderful guide!  You can see a video with Dr. Carpenter below.

How to Use Kangen Water  
by: Dave Carpenter, N.D., C. Ac., C.C.I.
Idaho Falls, ID    9‐17‐07          

The Enagic Kangen™ Ionized Water Generator technology produces seven different types of water...three different levels of alkaline Kangen Drinking Water, Clean Water, Beauty Water, Strong Alkaline Water and Strong Acidic Water.  Although Kangen water has special does not cure anything.  It has however, been shown to assist the body in creating better balance or homeostasis. To help achieve this homeostasis I’ve found the approaches and information listed below to be helpful.

Getting Started Drinking Kangen Water.

It is recommended that everyone who chooses to drink Kangen water start by drinking the 8.5 pH water.  The Kangen water is obtained by pushing the blue button on the front of the machine. Multiple pushes will move you through the three different levels of the Kangen water that are produced.  This water is dispensed through the TOP flexible hose.

Drink at least 1⁄2 of your body weight in ounces each day.  If you do physically demanding work, participate in strenuous athletics, or are dealing with “sickness issues” need to drink more Kangen water to help your body move towards and achieve homeostasis.  In these situations, it is recommended that you drink at least 3⁄4 of your body weight in ounces, and drinking 1 ounce per pound of body weight per day produces real “miracles”.  It is my observation that those people who drink a minimum of 3⁄4 of their body weight in ounces of Kangen water per day see the quickest results.   

After successfully drinking the suggested amount of 8.5 pH water for two weeks (“successfully” means that you are not experiencing any discomfort while drinking the water...other than frequency of urination), then you may choose to increase the water pH level up to the 9.0 pH setting.  Continue drinking the suggested amount of water at this setting each day for at least two more weeks. After successfully drinking the suggested amount of 9.0 pH water (again meaning that you are not experiencing any discomfort while drinking the water other than frequency of urination) then you may choose to increase the water pH level up to the 9.5 pH setting.

Cleansing Symptoms

Occasionally we find people that experience “cleansing” symptoms.  These are typically caused by the body releasing stored toxins and acidic wastes.  If you experience any “cleansing” types of symptoms (such as headaches, skin eruptions, loose bowels, coughing, etc.) when you start on the 8.5 pH water, then you should increase the amount of water you are drinking to help neutralize and flush the toxins from your system.  If you experience these symptoms after increasing the pH of the water you are consuming, then go back to the last pH setting that you were able to drink without experiencing these symptoms and increase the amount of water that you consume until these symptoms stop.  There is no prize for getting to the 9.5 pH water quicker than someone else.

Using the “other” waters produced by the technology

Clean Water – is neutral 7.0 pH water that is obtained by pushing the green button on the Enagic ionizer. The Clean water is dispensed through the TOP flexible hose.   This water has been through the cleaning filter portion of the system but it has not gone through the electrolysis process.  This is the water that should be consumed when taking prescription medication.  When taking prescription medications:  discontinue drinking the Kangen water 10‐15 minutes prior to taking your medication, use the Clean water to take your prescriptions, then give yourself at least 30 minutes before resuming drinking the Kangen water.

You will also want to use the Clean water when preparing Baby formula.  It is also suggested that if you feel the need to drink water with a meal and the meal contains a concentrated protein (animal product), that you consume Clean water rather than Kangen water with that meal.

Beauty water – is made by pushing the yellow button on the machine and collecting the Beauty water from the TOP flexible hose.  Alternately, it can be collected while making Kangen drinking water.  This is accomplished by collecting the beauty water from the secondary hose (that runs from the bottom part of your machine) while you are collecting your Kangen drinking water from the TOP flexible hose. Beauty water has amazing astringent properties and is extremely good for the skin and hair.  Spray it on, splash it on, soak in it...but get it on your skin if you want to have the best looking/feeling skin around!

Strong Acidic Water (2.5 pH) – is made by pushing the bottom button (orange) on your Enagic ionizer. Note:  You must add the saline Electrolysis Enhancer in the electrolysis enhancer tank (on the right side of the machine behind the removable panel) in order to produce the Strong Acidic and Strong Alkaline waters.  Collect the Strong Acidic water out of the secondary hose (that runs from the bottom part of your machine).  This water has very potent anti‐microbial properties and may be used on cutting boards, counter tops, etc.  Strong Acidic water was approved for disinfecting food products in June 2002, in accordance with the Food Hygiene Law, under the name hypochlorous acid water.  I like to use large spray bottles for the Strong Acidic water because it makes it easier to use on the skin, countertops, produce, etc.  Note:  It is best to store this water in dark containers and refrigerate it.

Strong Alkaline Water (11.5 pH) – The Strong Alkaline water is produced at the same time as the Strong Acidic water.  Collect the Strong Alkaline water from the TOP flexible hose on the Enagic ionizer.  This water is highly alkaline and is a potent cleaning agent that can be used in place of detergents and cleansers.   It is a tremendous grease cutting agent.  After cleaning your surfaces with this water, it is recommended that you spray the Strong Acidic water (2.5 pH) on the surface as an anti‐microbial, and then let it air dry.  Note:  It is best to store this water in dark containers and refrigerate it.

Specific Uses of the Various Waters

Fruits and Veggies‐ Soak (or spray on surface) in Strong Acidic water (2.5 pH) for 2 to 3 minutes and stir water to work it into rough textured produce like lettuce, broccoli, etc.  This kills microbes that might be on the produce.  When finished with this process soak in Strong Alkaline water (11.5 pH) for at least FIVE
minutes to clean the produce, remove pesticides and herbicides, and enhance shelf life.

Laundry – Put 1 to 2 quarts of Strong Alkaline water (11.5 pH) in the liquid detergent tank of your washer and wash just as you would with detergent but without the detergent.  The amount of Strong Alkaline water is determined by your source water’s hardness.  Clothes come out cleaner and brighter than with detergents and for those with chemical sensitivities there are no side effects.

Cleaning floors – (hardwood, ceramic tiles), windows, eyeglasses, washing dishes, and many other cleaning situations ‐ Use the Beauty water.  In some cases the Strong Alkaline water (11.5 pH) works well

Acne – there are a few different ways to use the water on acne, depending on the type and severity. None of them will hurt you so if one approach doesn’t seem to be producing the results you desire try a different one.  (1) Where there appears to be inflammation and infection (outbreaks that are sore and irritated) I recommend that one spray on the Strong Acidic water (2.5 pH) and let it air dry.  When it’s completely dried apply a cloth soaked in Strong Alkaline water (11.5 pH) to the area(s) for at least 5 minutes.  This helps the body neutralize the acids which are causing the acne.  Dry the area and then spray on the Beauty water (4.5 to 5.5 pH) and allow it to dry.  Repeat at least twice per day.  (2) Where there does not appear to be any inflammation or infection I’d just use the Beauty water on the area.  For best results drink at least 3⁄4 oz of Kangen water for every pound that you weigh each day.

Psoriasis and Eczema – I’ve found that the most effective approach is the same as the one we use for the nastier acne outbreaks.  Again, this depends on severity.   I’ve seen a lot of success with both conditions just spraying on the Beauty water 3 to 6 times per day and letting it air dry.  If I am working with someone with a tougher outbreak, I recommend that they spray on the Strong Acidic water (2.5 pH) and let it air dry.  When it’s completely dried, apply a cloth soaked in Strong Alkaline water (11.5 pH) to the area(s) for at least 5 minutes.  This helps the body neutralize the acids which are causing the outbreaks.  Dry the area and then spray on the Beauty water (4.5 to 5.5 pH) and allow it to dry.  Repeat at least twice per day.  I highly recommend with these challenges that you spray Beauty water on the area at least every 2 waking hours.  For best results drink at least 3⁄4 oz of Kangen water for every pound that you weigh each day.

Cuts and scrapes – Anytime the skin has been torn I recommend that you spray on the Strong Acidic
water (2.5 pH) at least once a day.  This helps the immune system deal with the micro‐organisms like bacteria, viruses, etc. that may be able to get into the body through the hole in the skin.  Then soak the wound or scrape (it may be easier to soak a cloth and apply to the area instead) for at least 3 minutes in the Beauty water and allow it to air dry.  This helps tighten the pores in the tissue and almost always takes away the pain.  For best results drink at least 3⁄4 oz of Kangen water for every pound that you weigh each day.

Sunburns – If the sunburn is not severe enough for medical treatment spray the Strong Alkaline water (11.5 pH) on the skin or soak a cloth in this water and apply to sunburned area.  When you are finished with that session spray Beauty water on the entire area and let it air dry before covering with clothing. Repeat as desired.  For best results drink at least 3⁄4 oz of Kangen water for every pound that you weigh each day.

Moles, warts, etc. – If you have something abnormal on your skin you may want to try using the Strong Acidic water (2.5 pH) on this to see what it will do.  In most cases the easiest way to use is to soak the gauze pad on a band aid with the water and apply over the area.  Change bandage at least once a day. Most people have reported that they’ve had to continue this process for 30 to 60 days before seeing results.  If it’s in an area that is difficult to apply a band aid to while you are at work or in public just apply the rest of the time when you are at home and see if it works.

Sore Throats – When one has a sore throat we’ve learned that gargling with the Strong Acidic water (2.5
pH)  3 or 4 times per day works extremely well.  If you have a child that cannot gargle just put the Strong
Acidic water in a spray bottle and spray it into their throat (10 pumps) three or four times per day.  (It will not hurt them if they swallow this water.)  Typically the kids tell us that their throats are no longer sore within minutes.

Mouthwash – use the Strong Acidic water (2.5 pH) to swish and gargle with as a mouthwash.  The high ORP of this water has been shown to destroy bacteria and other micro‐organisms with exposure times of less than a minute.  It’s the bacteria breaking down the foods in your mouth that produce the acids that cause tooth decay.

Cooking – Kangen water (8.5 to 9.5 pH) is excellent to cook with and enhances the flavors and texture of your food.  Some fruits and vegetables such as cherries, plums, grapes, strawberries, cabbage, eggplants, soy beans, and asparagus contain anthocyanins and are best cooked or washed in the Beauty water.  Be aware that foods cook faster than you are used to when you are using Kangen water.  Be prepared to have people asking you what you are doing to your food to make it taste so much better!

Thank you again Dr. Carpenter for this helpful guilde!

How to Drink Alkaline-Antioxidant Water

This is not medical advice. It is not intended to cure, treat or prevent any disease. Not intended to replace the advice of a physician.

For anyone who is new to drinking this powerful super antioxidant water, here is a guide. Please be sure to read this thoroughly and watch the videos so you understand why the water does what it does.

Tips on Drinking Alkaline-Antioxidant Water

1. This water is very powerful. It is only water, but it has a reduced molecular
structure, it is alkaline, and it is electrically charged. Thus, it is a potent
antioxidant, it is anti-inflammatory, and it offers superior hydration. It is best
drunk fresh from the machine.

2. The antioxidant value dissipates in about 24 hours. Therefore, try to get the
water as often as possible – at least 2-3 times per week. It is better to get it more
often – daily is best – rather than getting a large amount and making it last. If you
still have some water left when you go for a refill, dump out the old water and
drink the fresh water.

3. So that you fully understand what it is you are drinking, please watch the
video demonstration at Please also watch the
videos at You need to give your name/email for the
password but don’t worry, we hate spam and you can opt out after the 2 weeks.

4. Do NOT drink any soda pop or sports drinks during the water trial. Even a few
sips of soda will counteract any benefits from the water for several days. NO soda.
NONE. NO SODA! (The video demonstration will show you why.) Sports drinks are
the same as soda. NO Gatorade, Propel, or other sports drinks. NO carbonated

5. Plan to drink 2 pints of the water first thing in the morning. The water has a
very light texture and won't cause bloatedness or a 'sloshy' feeling. Drink the water
immediately upon arising, before any breakfast or coffee. (If you drink coffee or
tea, make it with Alkaline-Antioxidant Water. Just be sure to drink some Alkaline-
Antioxidant Water first.)

6. The water penetrates the cells better, thus flushing out toxins. Even 'healthy'
people may experience a 'detox' when they first start drinking this water.
Increased bathroom visits (of both types) are common during the first few days.
Some people may notice a bad taste in their mouth as heavy metals and other
toxins are being released and eliminated. This is a sign that the water is doing its

7. For those with health issues, suggested amount is about 1 gallon per day for
those under 150 lbs., or 1.5 gallon for those over 150 lbs. (Or, to keep it simple,
just think of your body weight in ounces.) Yes, this is a lot of water! But remember:
This water is easier to drink because it is so light. In virtually all cases, those who
don't experience some sort of benefits usually aren't drinking enough (or they are
sneaking sodas!).

8. People with kidney ailments or who have been advised to restrict their water
intake for any reason may wish to discuss their situation with their health
practitioner regarding the amount of water they may drink. (Be aware that doctors
in the US typically aren't familiar with Alkaline-Antioxidant Water and thus won't
have an opinion about it, other than the amount itself.)

9. The first bottle of water will be at a lower potency. Please provide feedback
so that I will know when to give you the 'good stuff'! It's important to allow your
body to detox over the first few days, before going to the higher level.
Exceptionally healthy people (athletes, those who do juicing, raw vegans, etc.)
may wish to accelerate this.

10. As you get to the higher pH setting, you may notice that the water looks
'white' at the bottom of the bottle. This is the healthy minerals coming out of
suspension over time. This is normal and perfectly fine to drink. (Glacier water,
when fresh from the glacier, is actually milky-white, and may explain the vibrant
health, strong bones, and longevity of the people who drink it fresh from the
glacier.) The machine is essentially bringing the health benefits of fresh glacier
water to your home. (Note: Bottled waters called 'Glacier Water' are dead and
oxidizing, because they aren't fresh.)

11. Those taking high blood pressure medications should monitor their blood
pressure frequently, and consult their health practitioner about possibly reducing
their medication if their blood pressure lowers while drinking this water. (Taking
the same dose of medication when the blood pressure is already lower could result
in it going too low.)

12. Observe any changes in health: skin, hair, nails, digestion, elimination,
weight, sleep, energy, mental clarity, emotions, pain relief or relief from any other
symptoms, immune system, etc. Please let us know how you are doing with the

13. Be aware that, as with anything, there is conflicting information on the
internet. The water we offer is from the only Japanese hospital-certified ionizer
device available. (Medical certifications and scientific research available upon

14. The water trial is unlimited Alkaline-Antioxidant Water for 2 weeks. Plan to
get enough water for yourself and your family, including pets. Choose bottles that
are BPA-free.

15. Remember: this is only water! It is simply wetter water that is easier for your
body to absorb, and therefore it does a better job of what water is supposed to do!
Superior hydration = better health.

Disclaimer: No medical claims are made. Not intended to treat or diagnose a
health condition. Not intended to take the place of medical advice

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Save Money by Drinking Kangen Water - Less than Costco / Alhambra's Bottled Water Home Delivery!

Please know that we love Costco!  Costco membership has many, many advantages, and we think it's great that Costco is providing a discounted water delivery service to its customers, because we believe most Bay Area water simply isn't safe to drink unless it's filtered (click HERE to see why). Overall, Costco seems to offer pretty decent pricing for water, when compared with other companies, and they do have the extra convenience of not having to drive to the store and lug heavy bottles in and out of your car.

However... what many Costco members may not realize, is that they can get premium filtered water, with even more convenience than home delivery, for much less than what Costco charges! In addition, there are many extra health benefits to drinking Kangen Water (which is recommended by Physicians, used in Japanese Hospitals) that you simply will not find in Reverse Osmosis water, which is what Costco/Alhambra uses, in the examples on this page. We know they also have a "Spring Water" service, but it is more expensive (and still won't have the antioxidant levels and as many reported health benefits as the Kangen Water).

Forego the heavy lifting & back strain. 

When you have a Kangen machine at home, you won't have to carry heavy 5-gallon bottles from your door to your storage rack (or wherever else you keep them), and then load them onto your water dispenser. In addition, you won't have to worry about finding the space in your garage or kitchen, to store all those empty bottles.  Some people find themselves drinking less than the amount of water they should, simply because they don't want to deal with lugging the heavy bottles onto their water coolers, or because they don't want to pay for extra bottles. But with a Kangen machine, you can drink unlimited amounts of Kangen water, and there is no heavy lifting!

Electrolytes, Antioxidants & High Cell Penetration... does your water offer that? 

Whenever you want, you can make yourself a glass of fresh Kangen water that is high in antioxidants (10x more than green tea), penetrates cell walls 6 times more efficiently than regular water, and helps your body to transport nutrients and oxygen for greater hydration and endurance. Kangen water also helps you flush out lactic acid and uric acid after a workout, which means you are neutralizing free radicals and minimizing oxidative damage that ages your body.

There is a reason you find so many testimonials about Kangen water! Scroll down to see a much longer list of advantages.

Many people think it must be expensive to get a water ionizer, but they think nothing of buying bottled water or having it delivered at home for a monthly fee. Well, when you sit down and do a long term cost analysis, of a home delivery service, you will see that you can easily save money - a lot of it - by getting a Kangen / Enagic Machine.

You can get your own machine starting as low as $44 per month, interest-free, for the first year, and you can make unlimited amounts of fresh Kangen water, which has electrolytes, micro-clustering, and 10x more antioxidants than green tea.

This is what Costco charges (price shown below does not include the cost of a bottle deposit, dispenser, tax, or energy surcharge)

Making ionized water at home is also better for the environment. 

When you are paying for a home delivery service, you're paying a monthly fuel surcharge for a truck to carry heavy bottles to and from your door. In the Bay Area, the Alhambra water treatment facility is located in Milpitas, CA. A water delivery for a typical family of four (consuming half their body weight in ounces of water, daily, whether it be for drinking or cooking) would require transporting 625 pounds of water per trip, which equates to 8,131 pounds of water per year, or 121,965 pounds of water over a 15-year period. . Transporting this water to Redwood City is approximately a 44 mile drive, round trip, which equates to 572 miles driven per year, or 8,580 miles driven over a 15-year period. 

Also, consider the cost of using a hot/cold water cooler (costing about $5.75 per month). According to the federal government, standard water coolers with both hot and cold water use about $82 in electricity per year (Energy Star models use about 40 percent less electricity).

You can read more about that, here.

Kangen water machines can easily save you money in the long run. In addition, you can get referral fees and possibly get your machine for free! Better yet, there are people who have replaced their yearly income with money they have made from becoming an Enagic distributor.

How much water should you drink?  This is a great article by Nutritionist, Health Coach and former Professional Socccer Player Yuri Elkaim,  in U.S. News & World Report. The original article can be found on this page.


The Truth About How Much Water You Should Really Drink

Your hydration questions, answered.

  • Sept. 13, 2013 | 4:17 p.m. EDT
    Yuri Elkaim
    Yuri Elkaim
    After all, the human body is predominantly water and thrives when it is properly hydrated. But what is "proper hydration?" Well, that's what I'm about to answer for you.
    The Uber Simple Hydration Equation
    The first thing you need to do is calculate how much water your body needs at rest. That's working at a desk, puttering around the house, reading and doing all of the other things you do throughout the day. This is your bare minimum water requirement – what your body needs to function.
    The basic equation for determining this is by dividing your body weight in half. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you would need 100 ounces of water per day if you're not doing anything strenuous. If you're working out, hiking, at a high altitude or outdoors a great deal, you're going to need to add to those 100 ounces.
    Why Dehydration Is Dangerous
    When you don't get enough water, every cell of your body is affected. When you sweat, you lose a lot of electrolytes, including sodium, potassium and chloride, which are essential to your body's functions. Pretty much all of your cellular communications revolve around sodium and potassium, including muscle contractions and action potentials. This is why you'll often get a cramp when you work out without proper hydration.
    Thirst and a dry mouth are not the first signs of dehydration. In fact, by the time you notice these symptoms, your body's cells are already craving water. Thirst is your body giving you a heads-up, but your body is already feeling the effects of too little water.
    Fatigue, lethargy, headaches, inability to focus, dizziness and lack of strength are all possible signs of dehydration. When in doubt about the reason for these symptoms, go ahead and down a glass or bottle of water.
    One of the best ways to see how hydrated you really are is to look at your pee. Yes, your urine. If your urine is anything but clear, you need to get more water into your body. Yellow and orange are not the normal colors of healthy urine, and if your urine is brown, you need to get to the hospital.
    If you're urine is yellow or darker, then be sure to throw back a few glasses of water. The next time you use the bathroom, you should notice clearer urine, which indicates better overall hydration. You'll also notice those symptoms of dehydration disappear as you replenish your body's water reserves.
    Can You Drink Too Much Water?
    It's rare, but yes. As much as you need water, it is possible to get too much. Having too much water in your system in relation to sodium is called hyponatremia, and it's not actually from too much water as much as it is from an imbalance between water and electrolytes.
    When you lose water (through sweating and elimination), you lose electrolytes. If you replenish your body with just water, you dilute the electrolytes that are already running low in your system. If this occurs, your interstitial sodium levels can get so low that you can actually die. It's not extremely common, but it does happen.
    This is why sports drinks or electrolyte drinks are so important. I don't really care for Gatorade and other sports drinks that are loaded with artificial colors and flavorings, but a very simple thing you can do to ensure proper hydration is to add half a teaspoon of sea salt to one of your glasses of water. It really doesn't get much easier than that.
    So remember, half your body weight (pounds) in ounces is how much water you should be drinking each day, and if you're exercising and sweating profusely, add another liter of water with half a teaspoon of sea salt to ensure proper electrolyte replenishment.
    Yuri Elkaim, BPHE, CK, RHN is a registered holistic nutritionist, fitness expert and highly sought-after high-performance health coach. He's also a former professional soccer player and served as the head strength and conditioning and nutrition coach for men's soccer at the University of Toronto for seven seasons. For more than 13 years, he's empowered more than 86,000 people to greater health with his no-nonsense approach to health, fitness, and nutrition. He's made it his mission to empower at least 10 million people to greater health and fitness by 2018. Get Yuri's FREE "Y-Factor" at


This is approximately what it costs to make Kangen Water, based on the facts below (price of water may vary depending on your area, water usage, etc). Including the cost of the machine, filter and cartridge replacements, and servicing, and the average price of water over a 15 year period, the price for one gallon of Kangen water is approximately 68 cents (less than 80 cents when you add premium filtration to the water - which I highly recommend). Please note this is a high estimate - I've been told it's actually a lot lower, depending on how much water you make, but I am keeping the estimate high to be on the safe side.

With this estimate, it'll cost you about 7 cents to fill up a 16 oz. bottle of water (vs. 21 cents for a bottle filled from Arrowhead home delivery).  If the machine last longer than 15 years (and I've heard that they've been known to run 30 years  if you take good care of them), the price per gallon will be even lower!
Kangen Cost Comparison (other brands)

NOTE: Figures were calculated based on a family of four, using a recommended daily water consumption formula of ½ the body weight of each individual in ounces of water. Father – 190 lbs, Mother – 160 lbs, 13 year old son – 100 lbs, 10 year old daughter – 75 lbs. Weights based on National Center for Health Statistics for average weights of individuals living in the United States. This family should consume 262.5 ounces, or 2.05 gallons, of water each day. The calculations above have been figured using 2 gallons of daily consumption.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Quote:

“We generally pay much less for our drinking water than we do for most other goods and services…On average, tap water costs are slightly more than $2 per 1,000 gallons…Each of us, on average, uses over 100 gallons of water per day for everything from drinking and bathing to watering our gardens...This equates to an average annual water bill of about $300 per household…”

The 15 year Kangen Water® information is based on the Enagic® SD501, with a retail price of $3980.00 (please note we have a financing program where you can get this machine for $44 per month, no interest for your first year on approved credit, and if your clients buy the machines based on your referrals, you can pay the whole thing off sooner). It also includes the cost of a high-grade filter, replaced annually; 2 cleaning cartridges, used annually; 5 cleaning services, once every 3 years, performed by Enagic® Technicians and the average cost of tap water, as indicated by the U.S. EPA, at the rate of $.002 per gallon.

To learn more about Kangen water, fill out the contact form at the top right side of this page. 


Bay Area Kangen Water

Monday, March 30, 2015

Redwood City Kangen Water

Welcome to Redwood City Kangen Water!

The following districts that have a link are where we currently have a distributor. If you live in a district that does not have a link, we would love to have you as a distributor in our network (and even if you are in a district that has a distributor you are still welcome to join).

Just click on whatever district has a link, to get in touch with an Enagic Distributor.

· Centennial
· Farm Hill
· Friendly Acres
· Redwood Village
· Oak Knoll/Edgewood Park
· Palm Park
· Redwood Oaks
· Redwood Shores
· Roosevelt
· Woodside Plaza
· Stambaugh-Heller

If you would like to try Kangen Water, please call us at 650-898-7363.

Bay Area Kangen Water

Bay Area Kangen Water - Redwood City - Palm Park District

Welcome to Bay Area Kangen Water - Redwood City - Palm Park District!

Looking for information about Kangen Water? These Enagic Distributors can help you.

Name:Ualani Teale
Distributor since:January 2015
Website(s) (email for code)
Other Information:
Occupation(s):Enagic Distributor, Real Estate Investor, Photographer
Why I love Kangen Water:
I love how it's helped my friends and family members with their health. I have seen it help people with rosacea, acid reflux, back pain, arthritis, you name it.
Favorite Things:
My Nutribullet (I am a nutriblasting fanatic), my 89 Honda CRX (been driving it for 12 years and it's still going strong!

Favorite Music / Artists:Pop / Rock 80's music. Contemporary hits.
Favorite Movies:Pop / Rock 80's music. Contemporary hits.
Superpower you'd like to have:
To be able to trip people when they litter. I'm sorry but that really bugs me!
Things You Should Know About Me:
I'm a pretty determined person. I am a total cat lady, even though I'm a dog person by nature.

Name:Jack Sellman
Phone (cell)650-576-0994
Distributor since:February 2015
My Website(s)
Other Information:
Occupation(s):Packaging Designer at Lahlouh, Inc.
Why I love Kangen Water:
It's easy to drink, helps with acid reflux
Favorite Things:
My kids, cooking channels, Oakland Raiders
Favorite Music / Artists / Stations:The Beatles, KFOG
Favorite Movie(s):Good Will Hunting
Superpower you'd like to have:
Things You Should Know About Me:
I look for opportunities to play jokes on people. Be on guard!

Marin County Kangen Water

Welcome to Bay Area Kangen Water - Marin County!

More Coming Soon!

We are currently looking for people who would like to become distributors in Marin County.  Our goal is to have at least one distributor per zip code, so that people don't have to travel very far, in order to try Kangen water. 

If you would like to try Kangen Water, or become a distributor in our network and have your contact information featured on this website, just call us at 650-898-7363.

We are seeking distributors in the following districts in Marin County:

Black Point-Green Point
Corte Madera
Dillon Beach
Lagunitas-Forest Knolls
Lucas Valley-Marinwood
Mill Valley
Muir Beach
Point Reyes Station
San Anselmo
San Geronimo
San Rafael
Santa Venetia
Stinson Beach
Tamalpais-Homestead Valley

Source: Zipmap

We look forward to speaking with you!

Bay Area Kangen Water

Santa Clara County Kangen Water

More Coming Soon!

We are currently looking for people who would like to become distributors in Santa Clara County.  Our goal is to have at least one distributor per zip code, so that people don't have to travel very far, in order to try Kangen water. 

If you would like to try Kangen Water, or become a distributor in our network and have your contact information featured on this website, just call us at 650-898-7363.

We are seeking distributors in the following counties:

Alum Rock
Buena Vista
Cambrian Park
East Foothills
Lexington Hills
Los Altos
Los Altos Hills
Los Gatos
Monte Sereno
Morgan Hill
Mountain View
Palo Alto
San Jose
San Martin
Santa Clara
Seven Trees

Source: Zipmap